Now it is time to do the last blog while still being an exchange student in the United States. I will probably write once or twice more when I get home. I am not certain if I will keep on writing after that.
I spent my last days in 'murica as much with my friends as I could. I feel like every day the past week I had to say goodbye to somebody. And it was not easy. Some people I know for sure I will see again, and saying bye to them is not so hard. Saying goodbye to them that I love, but will probably never see again, was unbelievably hard.
I will fly home tomorrow. PIT - JFK, JFC - Helsinki-Vantaa, Helsinki-Vantaa - Joensuu. Hopefully the planes will be on time and I will get home before August. If everything goes well I should be in Joensuu Friday morning. I basically started packing today. I'm always on time with things like this.
This morning...
Five hours later.
Somehow I did get all of my stuff fit in my suitcase, and it wasn't too heavy either. This must have something to do with magic.
Now, this may sound cheesy but I'm going to say it anyway. If you were my friend this year, I'd like to thank you. Thank you for being there for me, thank you for listening. Mostly, thank you for making my year worth it. I don't know if I would've made it through without my friends. I will always remember my first and last high school musical, laying on the parking lots, eating junk food, singing as loud as possible even though it hurt and being ridiculous on the stage. I will always remember my choir class where there never was a boring moment when Miss Groves, Derek and Casey were in the same room. I will always remember Disney World, building forts, eating cheesecake, my crazy dance, burning in the sun and running through the parks to the bus thinking we were late. And I will always remember our adventures in oh-so-fun Uniontown. Going to the movies because there simply was nothing else to do, prom and post prom, being "rebellious", and always ending up in the Target parking lot eating cheese and wondering the wonders of the world.
So thank you. I learned so much about life and world. I made so many mistakes, there are so many things I would do differently if I could. But I can't, and next time I will know better.
And just because these two pictures describe my friends the best.
Right now this is all I can say.
Thanks. And see you. Or not...
Ihanaa saada sut taas samaan maahan ja ihanaa on ollut myös seurata vuotta täällä. Tervetuloa kotiin. ♥
VastaaPoistaKiitos Annu huikean hienosta blogistasi. Ja mikä määrä kävijöitä, moni poliitikko olisi vihreänä kateudesta. Tervetuloa kotiin. Kun olet riemuinnut tulostasi, palautunut aikaerosta ja käynyt Kuopiossa orientoitumassa uuteen kotikaupunkiisi, on aika päättää, jaksatko jatkaa blogiasi. Meille lukijoillesi se olisi edelleenkin suuri ilo. KIITOS!!! T. Baba & Didi
VastaaPoistaKiitos Anniina tästä matkasta suureen ja mahtavaan Amerikkaan sun siivelläs!
Tervetuloa takaisin Suomeen ja kiitokset miunkin puolesta tästä tosi kivasta blogistasi, jonka myötä on saanut seurata matkaasi maailman toisella laidalla!
Miekii kiitän sinnuu tästä mukavasta "matkasta" kanssasi. Tervetulloo takas tänne Joensuuhun. T:Rulla:-)
VastaaPoistaHuippuu ollu lukea tätä ja itkin kun luin tätä ja katoin fabosta siun kotiinpaluuvideon :') Eka kommenttini täällä mutta siis kiitos!
VastaaPoista-Elisa (norssista)