My Exchange Year in America

My Exchange Year in America

tiistai 4. tammikuuta 2011

So from now on I'm just going to write in what ever language I feel like. Svenska, kanske! Nej, jag skojar bara...

It's a great feeling when you suddenly realize that you're starting to get a life. I mean, I haven't been bored in awhile. I like my new family, I feel like I don't spend as much time in my room alone anymore. And now the musical finally started AND I HAVE A SMALL PART , and it makes me so happy! Just perfect to me, not too much English pronunciation to learn but still something. I realized also that I suck in English. I can't say w in some words. In Finnish we pronounce w and v pretty much the same and it's really rare to have a w at all in words. So for example, when I first came and people asked me about my hobbies and sports I play, I told them that I played volleyball for 10 years in Finland, but I pronounced in wrong. I guess it sounded like wall ball and people were confused.

I hate it when I just don't get something like that. I know that I'm learning new things all the time, still, I feel stupid when I can't pronounce something at all. BUT HAHA, everybody else in choir is going to feel how I feel (and even worse) when we start working on the Finnish song (Postikortti♥). That is going to be so much fun (for me at least), you can't even imagine. And it's going to be cute too. I am going to laugh my butt off. It's going to be awesome at the concert, I hope we can broadcast it again so all of you there in Finland can laugh too. I can't wait.

In art we're still doing print making. I think it's boring (sorry mommy). Just when I got the black ink off of my hands - now they're orange. We are going to move on mosaics on Thursday. I'm going to love that!!

In history we have to do a project of how our families came to U.S and where they settled and stuff. What if you're from Finland? Just do a research of your family history. Oh well that's going to be fun. I'll have to interview some family member and then write an essay. Oh how I love essays in English. Maybe I should surprise everybody and write it in Finnish. Siinähän heillä olisi pähkinä purtavaksi, niin! Why do I have to speak English anyway, why couldn't somebody speak Finnish with me for a change? Anybody?

My back started hurting again today. And my legs wouldn't carry me, that hasn't happened in a long time, not in a year probably. I hope it goes away soon. I don't like taking medicine at all, but today I took Motrin when I got home and I have to say that it's almost a miracle how much it helped right away. It also made me even more tired than I was though. Sooooo, that means I'm going to my bed.

Anniina kiittää.

PS. Dear U.S post,
would you please get my mom's packet delivered to my house. It has only been A MONTH(!!!!!) since she send it (and even payed extra for it to fly and come fast). We know it arrived to New York the 26th. I want my salt liquorice and chocolate. :(


8 kommenttia:

  1. Hyvä, hyvä, hyvä! Hyvä, että uusin perhe tuntuu mukavalta ja olet alkanut viihtyä. Hienoa, että sait mieleisesi osan musikaalista. Ja hienoa, että koulussa on sinua kiehtovia aineita. Toivotaan, että selkäkin siitä asettuu, kun saat lepoa ja lääkitystä. Ja kyllä se pakettikin saapuu aikanaan, kunhan Nykkiläiset saavat sulateltua lumet sen pakettivuoren päältä, joka sinne kertyi Joulun aikoihin:)Rakkain terveisin B&D.

  2. En tunne sinua, mutta olen kuitenkin blogiasi käynyt lukemassa tasaisin väliajoin. Jatka samaan malliin, kiva lukea tekstejäsi. (:

    Kirjoitit haluavasi tosi lyhkäiset hiukset. Tuossa on yksi linkki sellaisista hiuksista. Vaihtariblogien ohella olen tykästynyt myös kaikkiin hiusjuttuihin.

    Mutt onnea sulle sinne Atlantin toiselle puolelle! ((:


  3. Muistathan laittaa magneetin jos selkään koskee? Miun kanssa voit puhua suomea milloin vain:) Tosin kun sulla on nyt ne musikaaliharkat ilmeisesti koulun jälkeen, niin ei taideta olla ikinä samaan aikaan koneella... Viikonloppuna ehkä?

    Käy siellä postissa sen lähetystunnuksen kanssa jo kysymässä pakettia. Kyllähän sen jo pitää kohta tulla!

    Haastattele vaikka mummoa, saat vähän historiaa siihen esseeseen:) Skypellä yhteys, kun joku seuraavan kerran menee käymään siellä.

    <3 mama

  4. Tehhäänkö diili Ansku? jos sie leikkaat hiukset niin miekkii leikkaan :) Miekkii oon miettiny jos nirhis veks tän pehkon.

  5. You definitely should cut your hair really short again!!

  6. Ihana että ihan tuntemattomiakin lukijoita on, kiitos paljon kommentista! :)

    Rosa - hyvä idea mutta miulla on yks plääni. päätin että kasvatan semmosen "polkan" ja sit vedän ihan lyhkäseks takaa ;)

  7. Hyvä plääni!!!! nimim. kesäpermanentin jälkeen kasvatan tukkaa......
