My Exchange Year in America

My Exchange Year in America

maanantai 31. tammikuuta 2011

Gotta love 'Murica

Wow... What a week. What a weekend. I will not do that again anytime soon. Huh.

My week was absolutely crazy. And busy. Let's just say that I was freaking out A LOT because of certain things and certain people. Have I told already how much I hate American teenage girl's gossiping and rumoring? Things that you didn't tell anybody, or things that you didn't necessarily even know about yourself. Suddenly everybody knows something and everybody is talking about it. In this school, if you tell a random person something interesting, the whole school knows about it in an hour. I swear.

So this and few other things led to a thing called Anniina's total freak out, which probably was rather amusing to other people in choir class on Friday. Besides screaming out "I HATE AMERICA" so loud that anybody within a mile couldn't miss it, I expressed my feelings by writing it on the board in Finnish. I bet many people guessed what "Vihaan Amerikkaa!!!!!!!!!!" meant on that day.

I can just thank God that I have the most awesome friends who made my day better. We had a sleepover at Shelby's house that Friday. Somehow we managed to spend our time pretty fast doing absolutely nothing instructive. They made me taste some really weird American things. Like this.

If you can't see, it says: Okay. Whatever. I'll taste it since you want me to.
Hmm... This must be interesting.
Really guys? I mean... It's chocolate. On bread.
Then we """"baked"""" cookies.

And then they were being retarded.♥

We really didn't plan to stay up that late, but somehow we just did. The four of us; me, Greer, Shelby and Clairesa (Britt wasn't there) slept all on Shelby's bed. Or we didn't really sleep, we talked. About stupid but fun stuff. We stayed up until 6 a'clock. It feels so good to be able to totally just be yourself around your friends. That is one of the things I've missed a lot.

Next morning we realized it was the worst idea ever. It wasn't hard to wake up. Just felt like I didn't sleep at all. But Gosh it was hard to actually get up! And then just in the car and dancing on the stage for three hours, after one hour of sleep, man I was happy to do that. I literally slept during the warm ups and fell asleep few times during the breaks just laying on the stage. I was leaning on other people's shoulders and taking mini naps.

After that I got home and went straight to bed to take a nap. I really didn't have a lot of time to sleep, because I had planned to go to Christina's house later. I was so tired, that I didn't hear my alarm at all and Laura woke me up just before they came to pick me up. I was so tired that night. So tired that my whole body just hurt and I couldn't function, at all. It still was fun! With Christina we actually baked, I mean real stuff.

Sugar cookies.

Lady locks. SO GOOD.

Then next morning I had to wake up for church. I can tell you, it wasn't easy.

Today I cooked meat balls. Now can you believe this. Colton didn't even taste them because he didn't feel like tasting something that a Finnish girl had made, and something that might be slightly different from what he is used to. So he ate a peanut butter - jelly sandwich. C'moon, it's meatballs! All kids should like meatballs. And he does: the American ones that are bought from a store. I'm helpless, I can't think of anything I could make that he'd like. I haven't even done anything with vegetables (even that's hard enough!) because he wouldn't eat that for sure. I've done basic food that kids should like. And the meatballs were good! Ugh, maybe I'll just give up and start cooking nothing but mushroom and vegetables. Just for myself.

During this weekend's nights together I slept less than I usually sleep in one normal night. No wonder I've been so extremely hyper today. Again. Gotta love my moods. Gotta love 'murica.

Anniina kiittää.

And just because I think this is super cute.

5 kommenttia:

  1. Ihana teksti taas Ansku! Ja herkullisen näköisiä leipomuksia. Mikähän resepti mun pitäis lähettää, että maistuis Coltonillekin... Hmmm... Mikä hänen lempiruokansa on?

    Mukavaa, kun on hyviä kavereita löytynyt. Kivoja kuvia! Mun työhuoneesta töistä muuten löytyi pari vanhaa kuvaa susta ja Empusta, päikkäriajoilta. Voi miten pieniä ja suloisia olittekaan <3 Nyt olette enää suloisia:)

    <3 mama

  2. Ihana teksti! Ja voi Luoja tota lihapulla -juttua...

    P.S. Tossa viimesessä kuvassa toi keskimmäinen tyttö näyttää jotenki jännästi Mamielta!

  3. Voi voi. Miten pitikin sattua: Maailman ainoa lapsi, joka ei tykkää lihapullista tuli tietenkin tiellesi matkalla suuressa maailmassa. Sorry. Ehkä sillä oli joku tärkeä viesti? Muuten: hyvä terve väsymys, kun mieli on hyvä, johtaa usein voimien huikean nopeaan palautumiseen ja moninkertaistumiseen. Sitä sulle toivotamme. Halauksin B&D.

  4. olet SUPERKAUNIS tuon ensimmäisen americakuvan toisessa kuvassa!

    millaisia juoruja sinusta leviteltiin?

  5. Mama: Kiitos! Leipomukset oli aika herkkuja! Hänen lempiruoka on varmaan hampurilaiset tai pizza. -.- tai kananugetit ja ranskalaiset. Mutta veikkaan että minun versio näistä ei maistuisi. Ja aww :)

    Kiitti Roosa! Niimpä...... -.- PS. Shelby! Ooo niin muuten näyttääkin tossa kuvassa! Ei se yleensä näytä niin paljoa :)

    Didi ja Baba: Nirso pikkupentuhan se vaan on :( YH. Kiitoksia!

    Kukakohan olet, anonyymi? Hahah todella mielettömän kaunis kyllä. Ei ne oikeastaan olleet juoruja, kunhan kuulin asioista vähän hassulla tavalla.
