My Exchange Year in America

My Exchange Year in America

tiistai 18. tammikuuta 2011

The American Way.

Me: "Mm... I feel like baking something..."
Cameron: "Make cookies! We have that dough."
Me: "That's not baking. Baking is when you MAKE something, not when you use something that is already done."
Cameron: "Lemme show you something." *opens the oven* "This is American baking. Putting things to the oven."
Me: "Oh my gosh...I though putting things to the microwave was American baking."
Cameron: "No. That's American cooking."

I wonder why obesity is a big problem in America. Hmmm....

My weekend was pretty nice! I was at our school's basketball game on Friday with some friends and had fun. Saturday morning started with musical practice again. Why is it so much harder to get up on Saturdays, than it is on school days? I'm just dead tired and then I have to get up to dance. Yay. I like the singing part of musical. I would like dancing if I was good at it. In singing I don't care if I'm good or not, I still like it.

Later on Saturday Laura had a candle party. Lots of her friends came over to buy candles. I thought listening them talking about how super awesome the candles were was so boring that it was much more fun to watch the Steelers game with Jack. Then I realized football is actually pretty fun! Again one serious warning sign of me turning into an American. I'd say I'm lost for good when I start calling putting things to microwave cooking.

The party got better by the evening, I went to the basement with other kids. I almost beat the guys (Laura's nephew and his friend) in wrestling. I'm tough, hah! I hurt my shoulder though. At some point one of them was holding me on the ground and other one punching my head with a ball. Fair.

On Sunday I went to the movies with Tamara and her family. After that I went to her house to sleepover. We watched more movies, as always. We didn't have school on Monday, so we decided to build a snowman. Tamara had never done that so I taught her how to do it! This is our beautiful snowman.

When I came home I started doing my homework. I wrote my English essay and started doing the history project. I interviewed Didi on Saturday about my family history. Now I have to translate all that in English and then write an essay about it. Believe me, that's going to take some time. Ugh. I don't feel like starting to do it.

There has been two hour delays a lot lately. This morning I didn't know about it and didn't even think there was going to be one, so I walked to the bus stop and then wondered why is the bus not coming. I was kinda pissed when I called the school and found out about the delay. I walked home, went back to bed and fell straight to sleep. That's how tired I have been lately. I've been sleeping 8 to 9 hours a night and still I'm just dead.

Nothing special should happen this week. You will be hearing from me if something cool happens in my life. I really don't know what to write about anymore. I don't know if you think that it's boring just to read about my life. Well that's your problem I guess, not mine! Just tell me if you have any ideas what I could write about.

Anniina kiittää.

PS. I love Josh Groban('s music)

6 kommenttia:

  1. Wau Anniina, sinähän olet dialogin mestari, ja vielä englanniksi! Tosi hauska leivontafilosofinen keskustelu:)
    Kiitos myös haastattelutuokiosta ( 2 tuntia :) En ihmettele yhtään, jos käännöshomma hiukan hirvittää sinua, koska tulin käyttäneeksi aika vaikeaa kieltä suomeksikin. Edettäisiinkö seuraavasti: Tee alustava käännös siten, että jätät suosiolla vaikeat kohdat suomenkielelle ja lähetät tekstin sitten minulle. Minä yritän löytää niihin puuttuviin kohtiin ehdotuksia ja sinä sitten viimeistelet tekstin. Team work? Terveisin B&D.

  2. "blabblabla---- it was much more fun to watch the Steelers game with Jack."
    EN ONNEKSI LUKENUT ETTTÄ 'to watch the STREEPERS game--'

    :::) oli _pakko_. sori oon häirikkö blogissasi :(

  3. lol minerva :----D

    ja ei tietenkään oo tylsää lukee sun elämästä! sehän on vaihtariblogin juttu!

    ps. Josh Groban on jumala

  4. Kiitoksia kiitoksia. Kuulostaa hyvältä didi! Kiitti!

    Minkki, hyvin minkkimäinen lukihärö. ja et oo paha häirikkö, jatka häiriköimistä vain :D

    roosa: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA en tienny et siekin tykkään josh grobanista, se on jumala. ja niin ihana <3 ja hyvä jos ei oo tylsää :)

  5. aahhh josh on ollu mun top-artisteja jo monta vuotta :---) yksi teistä "oikeaan" musiikkiin<3 haluaisin niin kovasti joshin kaikki levyt, mulla on vasta kolme :(

  6. Ansku, sie et varmaan osais kirjoittaa tylsästi vaikka yrittäisit:)

    Ihana tuo lumiukkokuva. Kiva idea tehdä sellainen Tamaran kanssa!

    Juu, jos nyt kuitenkin vielä leipoisit ja tekisit ruokaa oikeasti, elä siinä muutu liian amerikkalaiseksi.

    Piti heti ladata Josh Grobania koneella ja ruveta kuunteleen. Kivaa on. Ja osittain tuttuakin.

    <3 mama
