I suddenly decided to write this one in English. Before I came here, the Rotary people suggested that the exchange students would write their blogs in English. Well, I haven't done that yet. The reason is pretty simple - I'm a perfectionist in these things. I hate doing mistakes, and what I hate even more is other people noticing me making mistakes. And because my English is far away from perfect I really am going to make mistakes. But I'll try anyway. My English is a lot better now compared to four moths ago when I came. And besides, now all of my friends here could read something about me and my life! I don't know if I'm continuing to write in English though. We'll see.
My day was pretty crazy, a part of it at least. I was a bit nervous already when I woke up. What made me happy though was the snow. Oh, how long I've been waiting for it already. There are exchange students in our school who have never seen snow... And then there's me. "Is it like cold down there in Finland, or something?" Nope. Why would you think so, because it's close to North Pole? Yeah, it's only been down to like -30 C (about -20 F) already. And there's like a foot of snow, right rakkaani Suomenmaassa?
Anyways, the morning went so slow... Math, History, Biology. We've been doing labs in Biology this week. Today they opened up a (sheep's) heart. I was the only one, who didn't do anything, I didn't even look. I stared at my desk the whole period and sang Christmas songs to myself. Some other kids where also grossed out but curiosity won and they looked. I didn't. I just don't like the idea of cutting somebody's heart. Gross.
In art we started doing print making. We had to design our own thing or come up with something that we would later carve in the linoleum. Yesterday I edited a picture of Meryl Streep on my laptop. Today I started to sketch that to the linoleum. I'm not going to do it exactly the same, I think I'm going to somehow make it my own.
The rest of the day went fast... In choir we practiced our songs for our winter concert. In gym we played volleyball. In English we had an easy test. And then... The Auditions to the Musical. It was so stupid to be so freaking nervous. It's just a high school musical audition, for Goodness' sake. I just couldn't help it. I was literally freaking out. Thank Goodness I got the opportunity to practice my song before the actual audition. I can just imagine how pink I must've been singing in front of all those people. I really don't understand what makes me so nervous about singing. I'm okay with acting, I'm okay with speaking in front of people. I never was this freaked out before our plays or musicals in Finland. I don't understand. At some point they had to tell me to go and lay down and calm down.
I just love (see my sarcasm here, friends) how the things spread in these American schools. You don't even have to do anything and everybody knows something about you, something that you didn't even necessarily know about yourself. That happened with my drawing skills. I don't remember telling anybody in school that I even like drawing!!! I just suddenly started getting these "Oh I heard you're an amazing drawer." Next thing I noticed was that I was asked to draw the school play's t-shirts (which I was really happy of, of course. It was fun to do). And the next day everybody knew about it. Now the same thing happened with singing. People have been coming to me and saying: "I heard you're an amazing singer." And I'm like WHAT?!?! I'm surely not an amazing singer, I wish I would be. I'm okay. That's it. Doesn't mean that I don't love singing though.
So, I did it, sang in front of those extremely scary people, by myself. I forgot the words at some point and my voice was shaking, but I did it. The dancing part was easy, I didn't worry about it at all. Now I'm just waiting for the results - do I get a call back tomorrow. If I do, I guess nothing that I did today really matters. I'll just have to do it all again and better. Well, now I've already done it once, it shouldn't be that hard anymore. Yeah right.
I was hyper the whole evening after that. We went to church as always, now I've just been chilling. I'm listening to Christmas music. It's funny to see how many "Finnish" Christmas songs are actually just translated from English songs. I never thought about it. Today at school we were singing Rudolph the Reindeer in three different languages at the same time, English, Spanish and Finnish. It sounded pretty cool (and messed up haha). Petteri Punakuono, oli poro nimeltään...
About earlier this week. I somehow arranged to break my back. Actually nothing really even happened. It just started to hurt really bad during choir yesterday. I had to sit down and then stay there the next period because I simply couldn't walk. I'm so happy that some people are so nice here and help if something like that happens. I had to go to my last period and then I just walked like a pregnant woman. My legs also got numb during the evening. Today everything was better, which is a really good thing because I don't really enjoy not being able to walk.
Because of the snow everybody is hoping for a few hour delay tomorrow. I'm not. I'm the weird kid who actually likes school. At the beginning I liked it, then at some point I got bored (every freaking day is the same!), but now I've started to like it again. It's so easy, that I don't really have to study and well, it's something do to. I would just be bored at home! I have a pretty easy schedule though. I have many fun classes that I can't wait for.
I just have to say: If we would be cancelling school because of a little bit of snow in Finland, we wouldn't really be going there much in like at least 4 months.
It was really weird to write this in English. Now I can't write any bad things about Americans though, they'd understand (just kidding...;) Now I'm off to bed, I'm so tired of all this craziness and adrenaline... I better get used to these long days since the musical is going to start soon.
Anniina kiittää. (pakko laittaa tämä suomeksi, kun on tullut niin tavaksi)
Ps. Joulu on kohta, ihan superia.♥ Mitä mieltä olitte tästä enkkutekstistä?
Wautsi wau! Yhden pikkuvirheen huomasin, muuten aivan täydellistä tekstiä muruseni! Tosin mun taidot on kaukana siitä, mitä sinä nyt osaat, joten en ole ehkä oikea ihminen edes arvostelemaan... Kiva oli lukea englanniksikin, saapa itsekin samalla harjoitusta:)
VastaaPoistaTiesitkös, että nuo linotyöt oli mun suosikkeja silloin nuorena:) Tehtiin niitä Johannan kanssa kotonakin, äidin ohjauksessa. Joku joulukorttikin taidettiin tehdä sillä tekniikalla, muistelen.
Ai niin, pitäiskö kommentoidakin englanniksi? Hui!
Onnea musikaalin jatkotesteihin, kyllähän sinä sinne pääset!
<3 mama
Hi Annu! We were reading many sentences of your really fluent English text before we even noticed, that you had changed the language. And then we suddenly started to laugh. We think some day you´ll write a book in English, or at least a drama handwriting!!! We wish you luck to your tests today and we are sure you´ll get some nice role. Today we built up a small outdoor Xmas tree with lights in our garden. Best wishes: B&D
VastaaPoistaHa, we have same situation in here (in England). half of the shops are close and kids have holiday and we can't go to work because of snow. And that's really weird :D
VastaaPoistaMiekkii huomasin vaa yhen virheen :) Ja nyt Ansku loppuu se itses vähättely. Sie oot oikeesti mielettömän hyvä piirtäjä ja laulaja, ja mikä tekee siusta vielä mahtavamman, on se että oot rohkee. Uskallat tehä. Ois kiva jos arvostaisit ittees enemmän ^^
VastaaPoistaNyt kyllä jäi ihan hirmusesti häirihtemään että mikä se virhe oli kun sanoitte siitä...
VastaaPoistaÄiti: Joo muistan, että Babalan seinillä oon nähny joitakin. :) Ja ei pitäis, ihan miten tuntuu mukavalta!
Baba&Didi: Thanks, it's great that you believe in me so much. :) Ootte rakkaita! Ikävä....
Heli: I guess we are just too used to having lots of snow... So we are prepared. But it's still pretty funny.
Rosa: Kiitti, oot ihana ♥ :)
Varmaan huolimattomuusvirhe:
VastaaPoistaI've never was this freaked out before our plays or musicals in Finland.
Älä noita murehdi, sun tekstis oli oikeesti ihan yhtä mahtava enkuks kun suomekskin!
<3 mama
hei bansku, seuraava saksaks? :DDD <3
VastaaPoistahaha yes!! i finally got this!!. i was laughing so bad on the" i was walking like a pregnant women" that ed came in and asked what was going on!! anyway, hope your back is good now. When i was swimming today my stomach hurt badly and i could swim fast. Our bodies are just wired.
VastaaPoistaOho oho, todellakin huolimattomuusvirhe. Kiitti kun sanoit! ♥
VastaaPoistaTiuhti: skippaan tällä kertaa. :)
Zheru: Yayyy great!! Haha, well I was. Tell Ed I said hi. My back is better now, don't worry, I hope you're alright. Love ya!
can i add you as my friend on blogger??
VastaaPoistathat´s really good girl :) you have to start write about ME¡¡ :)
VastaaPoistaof course you can Zheru!!
VastaaPoistaHaha thanks Tamara. I've been writing about you in some of the Finnish texts, we just haven't been doing anything lately :D
Mie löysin tämmösen :"My English is a lot of better now...". Siihen ei pitäs laittaa of-sanaa. Se tulis vaan jos ois jotai minkä määrä voidaan määritellä, niinku vaikka chicken. Mutta better on abstraktisana. Jos ny selitin oikein tän :D
VastaaPoistaOooooh, enhän mie tuommosia olleskaan ajattele. :D Kiitos, pitää muuttaa.