The day is here. Me moving to my next home, the Cole's. These are the last hours I'm living with Skoric's. I packed most of my stuff yesterday and realized that I have SO MUCH STUFF. How on Earth am I going to bring it back to Finland when June comes? I don't even know where I got all those new clothes, I don't think I have been shopping a lot. I brought 2 pair of jeans with me and now I have 5 pairs!!! Olivia gave me some of her old clothes though.
I've probably been acting super weird lately. Just wondering around, laying on the floors, staring at people and talking to the dogs. They just laugh, C'moon Anniina, you're only moving two houses away, you can come over, the only difference is that you won't sleep here. And I know that. But the thing is, this won't be my home anymore. They won't be my brother and sisters and mommy and daddy. This won't be my room. And that makes me feel weird. It's bittersweet.
Okay so my Christmas brake has been super boring. I've just stayed in the house the whole frigging time, watching movies with Olivia or drawing. We watched Donnie Darko the other day and I thought it was so confusing until we watched the Mulholland Drive. Donnie Darko is nothing compared to that movie. I mean, both of them are just awesome but I think if you're just a normal person you can watch the Mulholland Drive for ten times and still not understand anything. Which is cool.
I've done pen and ink, colored pencils and charcoal drawings. I drew Michael Bublé with ink! Then one day I made crepes (lettuja) and they liked them. Maybe I should start baking and cooking more often. I think I will at Jack and Laura's. I got me yeast so I can make Finnish sweet bread (pulla♥).
Now I'm going to have the last dinner with this family. Sniff. I'm probably going to update again soon though, I need to tell you how it's going in my new home.
Anniina kiittää.
PS. My dearest camera is broken. I'm so lost without it, it was my whole life here! I hope I get it fixed soon somehow, I'm so lost without it.
Kiitos Ansku taas mukavista kuulumisista. Haikeaahan se tietenkin on lähteä entisestä perheestä, kun viidessä kuukaudessa ehtii jo kiintyä ja oppia talon tavoille. Nyt on uusi opettelu edessä, mutta varmasti uusia upeita kokemuksia myös. Vierivä kivi ei sammaloidu!! Onnea uuteen kotiin ja sano kiitokset entiselle isäntäväelle meidänkin puolesta, kun ovat pitäneet hyvää huolta lapsenlapsestamme. T. B&D.
VastaaPoistaOijjoij, sait Donnie Darkon katsottua. En tiiä muistatko, kun leffavinkkasin sitä jollain kuviksen tunnilla : )
VastaaPoistaPS. Pullat <3