My Exchange Year in America

My Exchange Year in America

keskiviikko 8. joulukuuta 2010

Kasoittain kurpitsoita (olen niin hyvä näissä otsikoissa)

I no longer have time to write my blog anymore! Either I'm so tired that it's just absolutely impossible to gather any thoughts in English that make sense, or then I'm just too lazy and feel more like eating and listening to music before I go to bed, than writing.

On Tuesday they announced the roles of the musical. I forgot about the whole thing first. It appeared that I'm in the chorus, I didn't get any actual role. It was really weird, I was looking at my name and I was thinking: "OHMYGOSSH they spelled my name wrong...", and I was much more pissed of by the fact that they spelled my name wrong than the fact that I didn't get a role. Of course I'm kind of sad. This is my only chance ever to be in a high school musical. I guess I just wasn't good enough. Well, my life doesn't end, it'll still be lots of fun (I hope) and I'll get more friends.

I had my first delay EVER yesterday. Because of little bit of snow. It was ridiculous, really. I have to admit though that it was pretty sweet to stay in the bed till eight o'clock. Normally I wake up at six every freaking morning. That's one thing that I miss so much about my school in Finland... Sleeping till 9.30 some days even though it's a school day. And then just going to school, maybe eating some food (that is good and healthy and non-fattening), chilling on the couches and then going to classes (lets just not talk about them because they're hard and not that much fun). Having computers on the hallways is also pretty. And being able to use your phone at school!

Otherwise I'm kinda in the mood that I don't even want to think about Finland, I just want to live my life here (don't be scared mommy and daddy, I still love you guys). I realized one day that it's so much more fun to be happy than sad. I mean, what's the point of being miserable for "no reason", what's the point of not smiling if you just could smile and make everybody else's day better too. Now everybody here probably thinks that I'm a happy and positive all the time. They don't remember the first 3 months that I was alone, with no friends feeling lonely, not smiling and not talking to anybody. All is better now.

Here it's really different than in Finland. If I walk on the streets on Joensuu and smile to the strangers, they probably think I'm a lunatic. Which might not be that far away from the truth... Anyways, here people smile to the strangers and are so much more polite. It was weird when I first got to the airport in New Jersey and was waiting to get to the plane to Pittsburgh. I was shocked when some random dude in the line just started talking to me. I didn't know how to act. Of course I had heard about "small talk" and stuff, but it was still weird. Now I've gotten used to it. I've also pretty much gotten used to people being close to you when they talk, and touching you more. I think it took me about 3 months to adjust completely, and I don't just mean these things. Adjust to America. I mean of course there still are things that are new and I'm not used to, but now I feel really comfortable. I like it more and more every day in here.

Tomorrow is the Winter Concert. I want to say that I'm PUMPED about it just because pumped is like the funniest word ever. It just makes me think of pumpkins being exploded.

I'd write longer today but I don't want to be completely dead tomorrow at the concert, so I'm off to bed.

Lisäksi, aivan pakko sanoa, minä pääsen ehkä edistyneempään kuoroon. Siitä ei saa puhua kellekään, joten siksi en kirjoita siitä englanniksi. Kuitenkin jotakuta kiinostaa niin paljon, että pitää käyttää kääntäjää... Huoh. Kuitenkin, konsertin jälkeen olisin sitten ehkä molemmissa kuoroissa. Jeje♥

Anniina kiittää.

Ps. I'm off to Florida on Saturday! You might not hear about me for awhile. I know it's hard guys, but you just have to live with it.

Pps. I hope everybody understand my sarcasm.

4 kommenttia:

  1. Oikeastaan, kun tuota rooli/kuoroasiaa miettii tarkemmin, niin hyviä puolia löytyy paljonkin: Kuoro ei esimerkikiksi tuota sellaisia paineita ja kademieltä kuin joku rooli olisi voinut tuottaa. Roolimahdollisuuksia sinulle kyllä vielä löytyy aikanaan ja olethan niitä saanut tehdäkin roppakaupalla. Tänä yönä kuunnellaan ja katsellaan teidän konserttia ja nautitaan. Toivottavasti yhteydet pelaa. Hyvää Floridanmatkaa t. B & D.

  2. I just love your texts, whatever you write:) And it's nice to read them in english - a great way to train my skills too!

    Waiting for the concert...

    <3 mama

  3. Kiva ol tuas lukkee, onnii kielitaetostaporukkoo et uattelin viänteekotsuomeks. kivvoo matkkoo sulle, uotpa kovasti meijän uatoksissa. uotpa vielä rakassii...
